

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Yesterday proved to be a day for the books!
The blonde (a bit too blonde) hair attempting to uphold my deceptive yet understandably far-reaching goal to maintain the age of 29 simply had to go. Suspicion was telling me that just maybe a few folks were on to me anyway.
Sitting in the chair awaiting my "grown up" hair color, my one and only stylist and I chatted away in the lack of presence of children, in itself a small gift. As our topics floated one direction to another it came out that she had just styled one of our foster sons. My heart swelled as she told me all the kind words he said and all the memories he shared with her about his time with us but one thing he said took my breath away. He said that we are the reason he wants to do foster care. This young man always had a smile on and could charm anyone and his heart was and is just as big as that smile. I cannot think of a better foster parent! What a blessing this was to hear and along with my hair taking its new personality I thought to myself "this is a great day"!
I would have settled for that however more blessings were to come my way. No joke, 10 minutes later I received a message from another foster child that saying he misses us a lot and wants to see us and is moving back in our direction. Yet another young man who stole our hearts that we miss daily. Joy was flowing from my eyes just thinking about seeing him again. this guy is one of the funniest and most talented young men out there. If there was a picture in the dictionary for perseverance it would show him! I cannot wait to see him!!
Again this would have been plenty for one day or month for that matter however......
Yep, more blessing! My hair still processing and growing up I was unable to answer a call I received form a friend.  Letting it go to voice mail I was able to check it on speaker (yes I did this in the salon - how rude) but I am pretty sure that all ears that heard it were more than touched just as I was. My friend called only to say how thankful she was to see us celebrate our sons 'firsts', being an example, and telling me I am an amazing mom. As she lovingly spoke these words she spoke so deep into my mommy heart that I wept. I am so glad that I let this call go to voice mail as I can and will keep this forever. Words are so powerful and these were ones I was uplifted by and will never forget.
I am certain that the design of this day was not mine and although the blessings are mine to hold the glory is not mine but belongs to the Creator of it all.
 Today may not be as fluffy feeling as Emmanuel goes for his first doctor appointment. I would love to be able to say that I am prepared for the words that will be spoken today but that would be a lie. In all honesty I rarely feel fear however I am struggling with this today as I look at my sweet boy and know his future holds some big hurdles. Please do not interpret this as deflated joy or lack of hope it is simply reality and together the Neal clan will walk this out along side our little guy. Funny how words can cause so many emotions and have the power to change lives. Praying that the words we hear today our hearts are ready for.
Clinging to that blanket of blessings from yesterday!  

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