Adoption cost facts made as simple as I can......
Adopting from foster care -
Home study done through county - $0
Finger prints for background and Adam Walsh checks $70 (ish) per person
Meetings with county adoption workers $0
Court fees (including birth certificates etc.) $2000.00
Amount the state reimburses for adoption of waiting children - $2000.00

Funds available for camps, respite, and small per diem if special needs.
We have adopted five children through foster care, 1 privately, and two (almost) internationally. I can tell you without hesitation that adoption through foster care is incredibly amazing and worth it. Some of the perks are that you are with your child and are bonding the entire time, tons of support from the county, better chance of family history, and so on.
After finalization of a waiting child adoption the support can continue if you wish. You have the choice as to how much ongoing assistance you receive, how much bio family contact, etc.
Go to your local county website and check it out! Kids are sitting and waiting and praying and hoping to have forever homes.
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