

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Its claws dug deep as my thoughts became wildly engrossed, temptation slithered in like the snake it was. Holding tightly as my grip slowly began to give way, my loyalty and values quickly making way for excuses and justifications. Could I really do it? Could I really be that person, simply walking away? I have been happy, loved, cared for, doted on, and yet I made a choice. 
I cheated. 
After years of passionate and sincere concern, and the pure desire to see only the best for me I walked into another's hands. I will never be the same. 
I didn't intend to do it really, it just happened. In a moment of desperation I reached out to another for comfort. I picked up the phone and before I knew I was in the hands of another hair stylist. She meant nothing to me. I felt dirty the entire time, holding all intimate details about my life a secret, a secret that I only share with one. 
I am so sorry Danielle! 
Danielle, it was never you, it was me. How could I think for one minute that the drive was too long and too far? There is no there you. There is no other GB and Co. 
If you will have me, I want to come back. 

1 comment:

  1. Had no idea where you were going with this post...(no disrespect) but I started to chuckle when I got to the punch line! It's not the usual events you have going in your life. I've been there, done that too. I actually wrote a note to my stylist (cause I couldn't tell her in person) and I said the exact thing "it's absolutely not you, it's me". And in less than a year I was back to my gal...and I'm still there. She's like a daughter...she knows me well and we have so much fun for 2 hours every 5 weeks. You'll be fine, she'll be fine...all is well.
