What does one do when the passion in their heart is fierce and the desire to help people comes from deep within their soul? I suppose there is the choice to do nothing, to shove those emotions down, to run fast from the calling on your life. I, personally cannot do nothing, shove emotions, and as far too many know I can't run to save my life.
Follow the path laid before me is what I will cheerfully do. That path has and I assume always will be loving people, broken and wounded hearts wrapped in human shells in desperate need of compassion.
The Neal doors are soon to be open to the smallest of these people as we welcome foster children once again. Abounding excitement fills our home as we wait to meet our first guest. My children fill me with awe and amazement as they joyfully ask "when will we be setting another place at the table".
Here at the Neal house we do some things really well, loving people is one of them and yes, we know that crazy is another.
Our hope and prayer is to not only provide refuge for a wee one but be of help to an entire family, to use our experience, our training, and our hearts to take every step toward being a vessel for change.
What?! I thought the Neal's were adopting?!
As we faithfully walk down the long road of adoption (again), bringing our little girl home, we will open our lives and home to others in immediate need.
Our support system of family, friends, and neighbors blows us away as we have shared this news. To say we are blessed beyond measure is an understatement.
I love your crazy, loving family. To say it inspires and motivates me to be kinder, be more loving, be more daring, and be more trusting of the God of my understanding is an understatement. Excited for your next chapter unfolding. Many blessings.