So now what? How in the world do we still be a friend, show compassion, and love well, yet safely guard ourselves and set solid boundaries?
Simple, right? Nope! The reason you accepted the invite in the first place is because you have an overgrown and beautiful heart. Let's not change that one bit, rather let's add teacher into those labels. We can all love and teach those in our circles of the value they hold and the part they play in this world. Distance is your friend here, your heart is precious so guard it carefully as you walk this road. Loving well,
by no means equals being a door mat.
Those dramas have authentic pain behind them, faces and names attached to them, and they reached out to you because of a need. Evaluate what you can give, how much, and set those boundaries. In my experience the receiver is far more appreciative of authenticity and boldness in love than phony, obligated concern.
Love well, both yourself and others!
I've got a poster on the wall that says Not my Circus! Not my Monkeys! Reminds me to love while keeping healthy boundaries. Sometimes easier said than done.