Neal's 'family meeting' time!
Fidgeting fingers and bouncy bodies and thought filled minds attempt to focus as our weekly family meeting, now long over due, begins. As Jason starts us off with a devotion of gratitude and hope, his words blanketing us all with love, I visually examine each one of my children. One is turned with one ear facing dad while building a castle out of blocks while one is hanging over the sofa fidgeting with the carpet. Another has their hood up and pulled tight and picks at fingers, another snuggles in as close as humanly possible to mom. While yet another desperately tries not to touch their phone, and another fights the boredom of the moments lacking play and begins to search for toe jam, lastly another attempts to understand the need for such a time as this.
The above word picture may make some cringe as you personally visualize the scene. Our society tells us that those children ought to be sitting still and focusing their attention on the adult speaking. Our society is in love with "normal" however that is a cuss word in our home. We don't do "normal" we do unique and personal and meaningful. Individualize your life - this is what we do at the Neal home. So as you envision the word picture I will unpack it a bit. Those children are feeling uneasy about what they may hear, what they may want to say, what emotions they will see and trying to remember the appropriate response to those emotions. They are secretly hoping that they do not need to unleash an uncomfortable emotion, yet also excited that we are spending this time together although it is tough it is cherished, and of course their internal battles with telling their bodies to sit still and their minds to focus yet only to have wandering thoughts of ponies and Minecraft. I applaud their ability to remain in the room!
We cherish our family meeting times in the Neal house. It is a time to "let it all out" and get updated as a team. The kids, even though they spend endless hours with one another often know little about what the others are thinking or going through. This is a time that opens that door to conversation and understanding.
This meeting had a focus of all things new in the Neal home. We have moved, we have new schools, and we have a new brother (that mom had to go away to get and now has been in the hospital too much). That is A LOT!
My heart feeling saturated in more love than humanly possible swelled as our meeting ensued. Little hearts and minds openly sharing their not so deep and some really deep thoughts and feelings. Our meeting ended with everyone on the same sheet of music, knowing what one another is thinking, going through, and rejoicing about in their lives. Did you know that Josie is proud of her ability to see sight words all over the world? She wants everyone to know that and now her siblings know and want to help point out sight words too.
When we sit and listen, really listen to each other we learn new things that deepen our love for who we are.
Family meetings are a great way to focus in on what matters in our lives, our families and it has no bearing on the size of the family.
Questions about how to make this work in your home? I am the self proclaimed "Come Hell or High Water I Will Make These Family Meetings Work Even Through All My Epic Fails" Queen. My failures eventually turned learned successes are not secret and I would love to share ideas with you.
Truly inspired by your writings. Thanks for all that you do.