With the delightfully countless directions my life goes in I am amazed with my one-track mind right now. Some may call this impatience however I prefer to refer to this, quite proudly, as incredible focus. That focus is on the last leg of our adoption of Emmanuel. We have been in "process" for what feels like forever while in all reality it has been just over a year. A roller coaster of a year with some bumps and delays and many miracles. Now I am more than ready to have our son home and my focus increases by the day as we near the day of "the call". The call that will tell us to get on the plane and finish the race that we were called to and finish strong! Why strong you say? Our wee one will be coming home from Liberia, the third poorest country in the world. Thus meaning he has had little to no contact or understanding of the chaotic world us westerners are accustomed to. The flight will be a delight!
Quick, my mind is reeling with other thoughts.....
Thoughts brought on by my own words "chaotic world us westerners are accustomed to". Here my heart is heavy as I think of the lives affected by hatred, selfishness, greed, poverty, you name it. Have we become not only accustomed but dare I say, numb? The news flashes stories with graphic photos of horrific acts and we are unmoved. Unmoved or numb? Have we seen such pain and suffering and unspeakable atrocities that we simply do not allow the visual trauma to penetrate the emotional walls of protection we have placed. What then has our world become? What then have we become? Many questions pour forth with seemingly not a single answer. Wait! My above focus may be an answer. The focus I have, I feel, I live, may be also called LOVE. Can we love with focus and impatience? Impatience can be good, very good in fact. Impatience may stir in us a desire to fight harder for good, to seek justice, to be the voice for those who cannot speak, to refuse to settle and wait for what will happen but rather being a vital part of making things happen. Focus, impatience, love.
Love well!
Well said, Jess. I am hoping to get a blog off the ground soon. I feel God has been calling me to finally put my writing use. Thanks for inspiring me. It can be done. Bless you and may your newest child come home soon.